Monday, December 5, 2022

Week two

Cindy Sherman is someone who had ahand in revolutionizing photography for women. Cindy Sherman's work was enough to inspire a plethora of women to persue photography. Her work was inspired by the fighting spirit of women and that is why her photo included different female characters that she would dress herself as. "Her work has in some ways presaged the media age that we live in now and also absolutely responds to it" "A number of young artists are very much indebeted to Sherman in their exploration of not just identity but also the nature of representation" Cindy Sherman's work was infamous for the characters she decided to make herself be in her portraits. She did perfer doing it all herself (be the subject of her own portraits) because she knew what she wanted better then anyone else. Sherman's work has always been misinterputed several times which has caused her to keep quiet even more due to her belief that provoking thoughts is also part of her art work "Cindy Sherman, the great chameleon of our time, has created more than 500 photographers and almost as many distinct characters" “Sherman herself is reluctant to discuss the meaning of her work; she is amused by the interpretive frenzy it provokes. “The fact of her silence is now almost part of Cindy’s canon,” "The longer I look at these photographs, the less sure I am of them. Are these women insisting on being seen or are they taunting us, mischievously playing on fears of female ugliness, of becoming old and absurd or just invisible?”

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