Monday, December 5, 2022

Week three

Throughout the timeline of naked portraits it became more about the spectator rather then the protagonist. The quote by John Berger reveals how the women painted is stripped of what gave her essance and self approvel. The way her body is postioned and the glimpse she gives to the spectator tells the audience that she is not on the portrait to show self love or any type of inner feelings. Instead the portrait gives out this feeling that the women is just their to please the owner of the painting. "This nakedness is not,however, an expression of her own feelings; it is a sign of her submission to the owner's feelings or demands(The owner of both woman and painting). The painting when the king showed others demonstrated this submission and his guests envied him" Looking at other cultures helps see the difference between European traditions and traditions in almost the rest of the world. Nakedness in other cultures was used to represent love for the most part, while in Europe they were using nakedness as a view. Other cultures showed both female and male nude bodies touching each other as a representation that their nudityis a symbol of them being for one another. Unlike European art which tended to make women the only one naked or even the only one in frame. "And if, in these traditions, the theme of a work is sexual attraction, it is likely to show active sexual love as between two people, the women as active as the man, the actions of each absorbing them"

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