Monday, December 5, 2022

week5 selfie

John Berger: “Oil paintings did to appearance what capital did to social relations. It reduced everything to the equality of objects.” "A painting could speak to the soul- by way of what it referred to, but never by the way it envisaged." Mirzoeff: “Image has not only helped us for the first time to understand how vision was possible, it also raised the importance of seeing to a new level” "Seeing the world is not about how we see but about we make of what we see" Wangechi Mutu at Met: "she notes that 'in classical African art, the female body in some instances is the museum- she is where the art is placed." “The work of these women is immense. The regard for them is not.” That complicated social position is reflected in the caryatids’ striking discs, which relate back to lip plates and crowns and heavy earrings. Along with filed teeth and scarification, they can cause women substantial pain. The status they confer is costly in more ways than one.” The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu: “The idea of clearcut binaries—African/European, archaic/modern, religion/pornography—I’ve never really believed in that. I’m interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious.” Wangechi Mutu Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum: “Bringing her interconnected ecosystems to life for this exhibition through sculptural installations and videos, Mutu encourages audiences to consider these mythical worlds as places for cultural, psychological, and socio-political exploration and transformation.” I choose a hybrid animal, it is a hybrid of a killer orca whale and a lion. The killer orca is a symbol of protection for those who are away from home. What the orca stands for is enough for me to find interest in them, they appear to be calm and beautiful animals but really they are some of the scariest killers in the ocean. Also a big reason i wanted to choose a aquatic animal is because they represent the message of always moving forward as most aquatic life needs. to be moving at all time or can only swim forawrd in order to stay alive. I mixed the orca with a lion because of the intensity and fear the lion puts in everyone else straight from their name.

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