Thursday, November 17, 2022

Self Portrait Project


Inspiration: Wangechi Mutu, 'You are my sunshine,' 


  1. “The selfie depicts the drama of our own daily performance of ourselves in tension with our inner emotions that may or may not be expressed as we wish. ” In the 21st century, people are constantly taking selfies about their daily lives. Selfies are a form of self expression and revealing emotions. Selfies are now part of the global visual culture because it has become our new normal. 

  2. “Today’s young, urban, networked majority has reworked the history of the self-portrait to make the selfie into the first visual signature of the new era.” Before the progression of technology to be able to get an image of yourself there were only self-portraits. Self-portraits are considered more work of art rather than selfies because nowadays basically anyone can take a selfie. The new era of the selfie allows people to take a picture and instantly share through any social network. 

  3. “Seeing is something we do, and we continually learn how to do it.” Since we are infants we do what we see and we speak what we hear. We are constantly learning new things because moderan technology. Our brains are what makes sense of what we see. Our eyes capture the image but our brains are what allows us to process the information, therefore we see with our brains because that is how we are constantly learning.

  4. The theme of my project illustrates my love for reading. The background consists of pages of writing because in my opinion reading a physical book is way better than reading by a screen. The girl at the center holding a book in her hands is a representation of me. I love holding a book in my hands and going through the process of flipping pages. I colored the book in her hands because the story inside the book consumes you and allows you to forget about the rest of the world. A book can let your worries fade away and let you travel within the pages. The images surrounding the girl are examples of what words can make you see. You are reading places and are adventurous. The butterflies are a representation of growth in life and through reading. My project is about how we see ourselves within the pages of a book, how we can identify or relate to fiction characters. We can let our imagination run wild because even though we all read the same words in a book we can each have different meanings like we do with art. As you start a book you're this little butterfly but as you get close to the end you come out of it as a different person because that journey you just went through let you experience the life of another. When you connect with a character you start to think differently. At the end you grow as a person because everything you go through in life helps develop the person you are today, into a bigger more powerful butterfly. Butterflies symbolize transformation and hope. I personally have connected with many characters based on their struggles and how they overcome them. 

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