Wednesday, November 16, 2022




disadvantage of modern technology 

My idea or project was drawn from the works of Dada, and I also drew some inspiration from Frida Kahlo. Among the artists, I found some aspects of Dada’s work fascinating, especially on technology.

·        “Another major target of Dada scorn was science and technology; this was part of a broad strategy to discredit rational thought and utopian projects.”

·       The Dada interest in science and technology was not only highly topical in the early twentieth century during a burgeoning “machine age,” but it also posed wider, philosophical questions about what happens when machinery replaces humanity”.

·        “People have an insatiable curiosity with her, and this presentation is a rare opportunity to see how she built her identity,”

My idea or project is similar or was able to address the themes because I also focus on the disadvantage of modern technology cellphones. The contemporary media has played a vital or critical role in societal norms as it influences or provides information to the general public in a way that enhances coordination on an action or norms through the creation of common knowledge. In identity, contemporary media has played or influenced our identity because we express our identities through visual materials, text links to other sites, shares, and likes. We use the media to tell different stories about ourselves without an intended target. Contemporary media play a role in cultural norms as we can learn about other cultures through the media. However, the media can also create some negative stereotypes at times. Creating negative stereotypes can portray other peoples’ cultures as evil or wrong. It may also make the transfer or adoption of some cultures impossible.

Based on how the themes address the work of the artists we learned, Dada targets science and technology. My project also discusses the disadvantages of modern technology and cell phones. Some disadvantages are; cellphones technology can cause accidents, distractions, health problems, and social isolation. The use of mobile phones also represents a tool to aid marketing. My project speaks to my identity and my relationship to media images because mobile phone technology is part of the tool I use in my daily activities. 

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