Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Self Portrait Collage Project

War with Love


    My project addresses mental health and the daily struggle of dealing with intrusive thoughts such as self-hatred and the constant struggle of trying to find self-love. Self-hatred is something most people deal with and always creeps up without any rhyme or reason. It also depicts the way certain photographs of ourselves will even show how we are feeling no matter if we try to hide it. We also try to make our self-love stronger and try to have it overshadow the self-hatred, but sometimes no matter how hard we try, the self-hatred still seems to be there. This is what I struggle with constantly and have been trying to maintain throughout my life, with certain weeks being better than others. Self-love always is something I strive for and hope to one day always have with me.

    From “The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu”, Wangechi Mutu states “I’m interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious.” This quote inspired my project as it has a deeper meaning which will help to speak to others who may be going through the same issues and will show they are not alone. This also resonated with me as I usually like to see the deeper meaning behind images and being able to relate to these images. From “Top 10 Collage Artists,” it is stated “collage allowed artists to interact with existing materials – to rip them apart and then reassemble them, creating visually dynamic hybrids.” This quote showed me that collage can be done with a lot of different materials and to be able to take these materials into something new. “What’s old is new again,” which is from “Hannah Hoch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife”, this quote also inspired my project as I was able to take old images of me and gave them new purpose and meaning in my project.

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