Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Weekly Selfie 4


In my performance, I intend to display images that represent my performance in Basketball over the years. Including self portraits and trophies moments and me being ready for the tournament championship. The reason I decided to use these images was because it was my performance that led me to get me into these moments. Winning a 3pt shooting competition, MVP nomination portrait and also getting to the championship game. 

 “Create what has never been created before” as a rejection of Japanese conventions of social conformity that became linked, in the postwar period, to wartime nationalism. “ This quote spoke to me because it's giving the people the freedom to go against society norms and do something different and in Art that is the most important thing. 

“They pursued a more expansive vision of artistic creation that embraced participation, amateurism, and everyday creativity by looking to, for example, the spontaneity of children’s art as an ideal.” This quote stood out because it's an opportunity to spread your mind and do the unusual. Allowing the vision as an artist to transform the artwork.

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