Wednesday, October 12, 2022


"“Still Life with Flowers and shells after Van Der"


     Ashley Lyon’s handcrafted clay sculpture titled Wellspring, was inspired by the artist’s grandmother’s quilt. A family heirloom made in the early 1900s signifying maternal warmth. The sculpture was made in 2017, after the birth of Ashley Lyon's child. This sculpture focuses on the relationship between a mother and her child. The love and protectiveness for her child inspired her to create a symbol of maternal lineage by engineering the ceramic blanket. Ashley Lyon shows her love towards her child as a mother through the quilt. Quilts were often made by someone’s grandmother and passed down to generations making them pieces of family history. Each handmade color, pattern, and fabric on the quilt tells a story of happiness, struggle, and family values. Quilts are made of soft materials representing warmth and tenderness towards family. The fact that Lyon’s decided to rebuild the quilt in place of its usual fabric adds to its context. Making the quilts in ceramic gaive the quilt a more strong presence and an unbreakable bond in the relationship of family. A ceramic quilt expresses the sentiment of the stability of a home. The quilt is part of her heritage that's become a sacred element between her and her child. She wants that feeling of unconditional love to always be permanent in her life. 
    Lisa Fricarelli-Halpern painted a canvas titled, “Still Life with Flowers and shells after Van Der" in 2022. Her oil canvas illustrates a variety of colorful flowers, shells, and jewlery. When she began to explore still life, she transmitted her experiences through this canvas. Flowers can represent many things such as beauty, purity, forgiveness, life, etc,. Including shells establishes the jourent of life on earth and strength of goodness. The jewelery is portrays the beauty in tradition and historic adornment. The flower and custom jewlery were given to her by her grandmother in-law, who died of cancer. This canvas represents intimacy and emotional connection towards the meaning of life. The painting is a symbol of a lost loved one. “Although there is a sense in which the camera does indeed capture reality, not just interpret it, photographs are as much an interpretation of the world as paintings and drawings are,” is a quote that relates to to meaning of the paintings because Photographs are meant to tell us a story, memory, a sense of the moment just like paintings and drawings do. There is always a story behind every photograph, painting and drawing whether it's a happy, sad, or emotional one. Capturing special moments drives the need to take a photo, paint and draw. The quote, “In the final scenes, alone, she locks eyes with the camera. She finds pleasure, and comfort, with herself,” relats to the art works because the women recognize their value and self-worth. Her past experiences have fostered her mental and phyical health. She’s developed confidence by knowing her true self allowing her to find pleasure and comfort with just being herself. Both these women find their identity by looking back at history and relating themselves to their past loved ones.

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