Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Selfies: Week 2



The Cindy Sherman Effect: Phoebe Hoban

"Artistic personae can not only be instantly created but also instantly animated and disseminated. Art via avatar."

"What has she herself discovered through her work? 'I think it has made me realize that we’ve all chosen who we are in terms of how we want the world to see us,' she says."

In this article of Cindy Sherman, they talk about her effect that she has had on all kinds of artists, but especially artists of the new generation. In her first quote, she talks about how art can be transformed into anything the artist wants. Once that creation is made, it can be animated especially through their own selves. Art can also be created into an avatar to represent something or someone. In the second quote, Cindy Sherman has discovered that through her own work we are the ones who choose how we want others to see us. This can be true especially with how we want people on social media to see us by choosing how we want to edit our photos or choosing what we wish to share about ourselves- our own fluidity. 

The Ugly Beauty: Parul Sehgal

"Their vulnerability pains me — how badly they want to achieve some kind of glamour, how magnificently they miss the mark."

"These are all photographs of subtle rebellions — the first being the demand, of women of a certain age, to be noticed, admired. Or do I have it backward? The longer I look at these photographs, the less sure I am of them.

This article speaks about Cindy Sherman's photographs about herself in her new cartoonish mock self-portraits of ordinary people. In the first quote, it talks about how in her series, the author says he feels vulnerability from those characters in the photos because they wish to be beautiful especially through make-up but do not accomplish that. Which shows the vulnerability of people when they do not show their true selves in public. And in the second quote, each author can take these series of Cindy Sherman's in their own subjective way. Was she trying to accomplish this or that in her photo? Was the character trying to achieve beauty or was she trying to gain attention? Is it trying to talk about the fear of female ugliness? There are so many ways to take her work of the "Ugly Beauty", and make your own story/drama and how it may relate to you.

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