Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Weekly Selfie Two



Journey of everything in life start with only one step.

Peace of mind is all the required for good thinking. Thoughts have a great power to control and to change your life.  

Quote 1

"Cindy Sherman opened a lot of the doors. She was the trendsetter in terms of distorted

characters within self-portraiture. Originally painters painted self-portraits, and then she

blew it open with photographic portraiture. Now there are all these avenues younger

artists take, which would not have been easy without her work." (Hoban, 2012).

Quote 2

According to Sherman, "I think I was part of a movement, a generation, and maybe the

most popular one of that movement at the time, but it probably would have happened

without me" (Hoban, 2012).

The reading reflects Cindy Sherman's expertise, exploitation, and uniqueness as an

ultimate master of self-morphing. The author created her own genre, and many new

generation artists adore her work, mainly in narrative, portraiture, and photography. The

first quote is a reflection of Sherman's impact as a mentor to other artists. The second

quote reflects Sherman's humility and humbleness as she refused to accept all the

praises shower on her as she said that all her achievement could have been achieved

by someone else.

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