Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Weekly selfie 2

  Quote 1:  “The art world was ready for something new, something beyond painting. A group of mostly women happened to be the ones to sort of take that on, partly because they felt excluded from the rest of the [male] art world.” 

  • She helped revolutionize the meaning of photography for women. She empowered women through her work to reflect on themselves through photography. Influenced by feminism, Cindy took portraits of herself dressed as different female characters. Those photos are about self-identity and how women are viewed by others. 

Quote 2: “I think it has made me realize that we’ve all chosen who we are in terms of how we want the world to see us.”

  • People reflect their own image through their work. Cindy’s work influenced women to go into photography, not caring that the art world was male dominated. Women are able to present themselves through their work for how they identify themselves and not by letting others, especially the male gender dictate how they should present themselves.

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