Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Self-Portrait Final Project


Hey Look Ma, I Made It

    For my final portrait selfie, I decided to do a collage with a variety of pictures that are important in my life. By doing this collage I used materials and learn new things while making it, helping me use elements that I did not use before. The background of the poster board it the Dominican Republic flag, painted with blue and red paint while leaving the middle white to represent the crust in the middle of the flag. I did this to represent my identity since I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, I always been proud and would never forget where I come from. In the middle of the poster board, there is a picture of a bird with my face on it. That bird is known as a Palmchat, which if there was one animal that represented the country of Dominican Republic it would be that bird. The reason I picked that bird was to show the connection between the flag and the bird to my culture, but the bird has a twist to it that it was inspired by Frida Kahlo. I decided to cut the face off the bird and paste a picture of my head in it, the reason why I did this was to show the connection between the bird and me. This idea was inspired by Frida Kahlo who often in her paintings would use animals right next to her or combined with her body. The upper left side of the board is a series of pictures of my in down moments, you can see I'm reading, playing cards, and sitting by myself with a drink. But on top of all those pictures is a picture of my mom next to the stars, to show her coming from above to cheer me up. No matter what I'm going through and if I'm alone I know I can count on my mom to always be there for me. 

    The section right under it is also connected to the theme that Carrie Mae Weems showed in her table kitchen series, Weems told her audience that "Women no matter what their color is, the don't always get the appreciation they deserve. I agree with that statement by Weems because my mom has been in all the important moments of my life, but I don' think I told her how much of impact she has had in all my accomplishments. Sometimes we are too busy to forget the real reason on why we are who we are and in my case I'm who I'm today because all the sacrifices my mom made. In the upper right corner of the poster board, there is two pictures of me and my family eating at a table together. I picked these two pictures to continue the theme of Carrie Mae Weems "The Kitchen Table" because even though she said "Memories are made in the Kitchen", is not the fact that been in the kitchen is what make family memories is the fact that at the table is where everyone is together and sharing a moment. My mom always wants us to go out and have dinner or lunch together, so everyone can have fun and talk to each other. We all have a lot of work and things going on, but my mom understands that by having all us together at one table it doesn't matter how often we speak or not; sharing that moment together in the table would give us memories we would never forget. 

    In the last part of the poster board there is a picture of me and my family enjoying a family vacation trip to Florida, doing the one thing we all have in common and that is been in the water. Before we went on vacation things were off at the house and everyone had their own business going on, but my mom decided to plan a vacation so we can all reconnect again. If it wasn't for my mom starting this vacation we would've never share that moment together, but these are the things families take for granted. My mom does not get the credit she deserves for keeping the entire family together and for raising two sons on her own. My entire project is based on the connections between me and my culture inspired by the works of Frida Kahlo. But it is also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems and her "Table Kitchen Series"

                                                                    Work Cited

Carrie Mae Weems: National Gallery of Art
Carrie Mae Weems: "The Kitchen Table Series" | Art21

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