Wednesday, December 7, 2022


The Rope
The One and Only
After visiting the art gallery, I can testify that Ashley Lyon’s handcrafted clay sculpture titled Wellspring has caught my attention. This piece of work was inspired by her grandmother’s quilt. This quilt was symbolized as maternal warmth. In 2017 when Ashley Lyon’s child was born, the piece of art was created. This blanket/quilt highlights the love that she has for child. In her family, handmade quilts were a tradition. Each quilt made told a different story throughout the family/generations whether it be a joyful time, a tough time, or a humbling experience. Ashley specific quilt was made with warmth and endless love towards her child. To see that she has used similar coloring, fabric, and additional materials, shows that she is keeping the tradition alive and displaying that same form of comfort that was passed down to her. Making the quilts in ceramic gave the quilt a stronger presence and an unbreakable bond in the relationship between her and her daughter. This symbol will keep carrying on through her family hopefully, which is why it caught my attention. In addition, Ashley Lyon also created an amazing piece called "This rope.” This might just be a simple rope formed a certain way but to me it says “connection.” I want to display an old picture “The One and Only,” with my mom that explains our bond. Throughout my journey in life, she has never once left my side. She had prepared me for the real world and supported everything I did throughout the years. I will never let go of the rope that is connected to my mother and neither will she. Now she is my best friend, and with me being in college and exploring the world, she can now learn from me as I learned things from her coming up. This piece of work automatically made me think about my mother.

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