Wednesday, November 9, 2022

WEEKLY SELFIE digital/paper collage


Wangechi Mutu at Met (2 quotes)

·       “words that we haven’t heard, people we haven’t noticed. They will be our redemption.”

·       “They say that when an old person dies, a library goes with them.”

Wangechi Mutu Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum (a quote)

·       “I’m interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious.”

Wangechi Mutu Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum (a quote)

·       “Mutu is best known for spectacular and provocative collages depicting female figures—part human, animal, plant, and machine—in fantastical landscapes that are simultaneously unnerving and alluring, defying easy categorization and identification.”

2 quotes from Berger’s Ways of Seeing (Chapter 4 &5)

·       “Oil painting is a technique of mixing pigments with oil and it is an art form”

·       “If you buy a painting you buy also the look of the thing it represents”

2 quotes from Mirzoeff

“Seeing the world is not about how we see but about what we make of what we see”.

“Image has not only helped us for the first time to understand how vision was possible, it also raised the importance of seeing to a new level”


Short Response

The Wangechi Mutu’s quotes is a detailed reflection of her work in depicting female figure. Her work involve the use of sculpture and caryatid. The work of Berger involve the use of oil for painting different art works.


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