Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Week 5 Selfie Collage


African Bush EleMari

John Berger

Q1: “If you buy a painting you buy also the look of the thing it represents.”

Q2: “a painting could speak to the soul - by way of what it referred to but never by the way it envisaged.”



Q1: “trained to pay attention to distractions”


Q2: “Seeing the world is not about how we see but about what we make of what we see”


Wangechi Mutu at Met

Q1: “Words that we haven't heard, people we haven't noticed. They will be our redemption.” 


Q2: “The work of these women is immense. The regard for them is not.”


The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu

Q1: “The idea of clearcut binaries—African/European, archaic/modern, religion/pornography—I’ve never really believed in that. I’m interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious.”


Wangechi Mutu Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum

Q1: “Mutu encourages audiences to consider these mythical worlds as places for cultural, psychological, and socio-political exploration and transformation.” 


Q2: “Bringing her interconnected ecosystems to life for this exhibition through sculptural installations and videos, Mutu encourages audiences to consider these mythical worlds as places for cultural, psychological, and socio-political exploration and transformation.”

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