Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Weekly Digital Collage


"Z" The Mountain Goat 

John Berger Chapter 4+5 

"Every exceptional work was the result of a prolonged successful struggle" 

"If you buy a painting you buy also the look of the thing it represents"

Mirzoeff Chapter 2 

"Seeing the world is not about how we see but about we make of what we see"

"Seeing is a very complex and interactive process"

Wangechi Mutu at Met 

"The work of the women is immense. The regard for them is not" 

"Words that we haven't heard, people we haven't noticed. They will be our redemption" 

The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu 

"I'm interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious" 

Wangechi Mutu Exhibition 

"Mutu encourages audiences to consider these mythical worlds as places for cultural, psychological, socio-political exploration and transformation" 

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