Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Performance Self-Portrait


Video details - YouTube Studio


    This short video shows me, my cousin, and my boyfriend at the playground. We took my cousin to play and I felt like I was a child again my inner child felt happy to be there playing and having a good time. You learn something new whenever you are around a child since they're so wild, intelligent, and playful.  My cousin was scared to jump off the swing and still took the risk of being reckless. He told me that he was proud of jumping off because he was scared but that he was glad that didn't stop him from doing what he wanted to do. I feel like once we become adults we get stuck sometimes in life, we don't want to take risks because we are scared of the outcome, but I feel like we should always take risks even if we are scared of them.  I enjoyed seeing my cousin being happy and proud of himself, for him jumping off it is something cool to do, and taking him to the park was worth it. enjoying the day and letting his energy out. Ana Mendieta said, "It is a way of reclaiming my roots and becoming one with nature". As adults, we should always go back to our childhood roots and connect with nature a bit more since we are so busy with life that we forget to be kids again. Each picture represents a way of perceiving, we can all have different assumptions about art. I was inspired by Yoko Ono because she took the risk to let others cut her clothes off, even though some people took advantage of it. but she still took the risk to do it, and just like my cousin was confident and took the risk to jump off.

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