Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Road to Qatar “Performance”


Written Description 

My performance piece is called “Road to Qatar” because the upcoming world cup is happening, and it’s the biggest well-known ever. What makes the World Cup so unique is that it’s an event that happens every four years where a total of 32 national teams compete for the trophy and recognition of the best team in the world. The world cup is more than just teams competing because every individual within the team and fans are putting every last energy into their nation. Just as Ana Mendieta stated, “some people aren’t proud to be where they’re from. It is huge to love where you’re from, and to represent your country to others is even bigger.” The world cup is an example of those people loving their national team and choosing to represent them everywhere they go. People will scream out their window if their team winning to, even hang their national team banner on their car and honk their horns in public. 

I chose to do a soccer performance because soccer was a habit I did throughout my youth and the beginning of adulthood. Like Ana Mendieta, I was “reclaiming my roots and becoming one with nature.” The simple dribbling of the ball and having it beneath my feet was enough to feel the love of the sport. Although I did not continue soccer, I was happy with my accomplishments along the way. With the upcoming World Cup in Qatar, what better way to perform tricks. I thought of perfecting the tricks and including many more that I could do. However, it defeats the purpose of soccer itself because any little mistake you make is crucial, especially when a counterattack happens and they score on you. Therefore, I chose to include the errors and limit my tricks since I was always told to “play it simple.” Anyone can showboat and be extra in any sport, but what’s the point when your team is losing and a change isn’t being made on the field. Therefore, the experiences and advice I was told will be given to my son, and hopefully, the torch will be rightfully accepted.

               Overall, the artist that inspired me to do this performance was Yoko Ono because of her work in “Cut Piece.” Although I was not cutting my piece of clothing, Yoko gave a performance out of her comfort zone, and so did I. In the video called The case for Yoko Ono, it was stated, “In Cut Piece” you are stripped of your outward signifiers giving yourself to the audience, to work.” Thus, I tried recording myself and included my failure with the ball. To be in front of a camera or even record a video of myself is beyond rare. My camera roll consists of photos of my son and family. You will never find a selfie or a picture of me alone on my phone. I grew up not being photogenic and have yet to change this. 

Instruction Pieces
Go to your favorite fast food; when asked to take the order; reply here's your tip and demand a refund.

Go to a library; ask for the culinary section; when dictated where to go; yell like a gorilla, pound on your chest and leave the library

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