Tuesday, November 29, 2022



Wall Art - Painting - Cuban Art Painting by Frank Paul Lee                   

In class we have been talking about many artists who have been immigrants or have had parents send their child to the United States. In my Portrait I decided to show how my parents came from Cuba to give me a better life. I chose to do this because not a lot of people can say that it was successfully done. I wanted to show everything they accomplished as well as things I was able to accomplish because of them as well. Individual views, attitudes, and behaviors can be affected by the media. Thus, policy interventions utilizing mass media communication have been directed at social norms that contribute to and support gender violence.Without a doubt, social media may have a negative impact on a person's mental and self-perception. This results from us comparing our actual appearance to idealized photos posted on social media. This might then cause us to feel bad about how we look and how we think of ourselves. These themes are addressed in my work because I show with societal norms being against us and not being in the normal culture for us, my family still made it work as immigrants who did not even know the language. They fought through the adversity. That inspired me to fight through adversity in my own life. "I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you."

This is a very powerful quote. I  chose this quote because it's telling us why she makes portraits to begin with, to remind her gifters that she is always there with them. Ana Mendieta was one of the artists that inspired me the most out of everyone because she was from Cuba and her parents wanted the best for her and she was sent here. My mom as an artist also inspired me. "I love you more than my own skin." This quote caught my eye because it shows another side of Frida that we haven't seen outside of her artwork, which is emotion. Safe to say I feel the same way about my parents as well.  America itself is advertised as a big dream land. But for immigrants like my parents they had to get it through the mud. They worked in Car Washes, Painter Studios, as custodians, before they could finally work as teachers in the USA. This was because they had to take a year's worth of credits that did not qualify in the US. So they had to work different jobs just to eat everyday and even pay for school."Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?"  Frida believes she has her wings. I believe I do as well. My parents taught me everything I know as they are my only family. This project speaks to my identity because it shows my roots and where I came from and what motivates me everyday to better myself and work hard at anything I set my mind to.

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