Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Digital Collage


This collage was a representation of a dream of mine. When I was younger participated in Theater and it inspired me to start writing my own screenplay I like to describe it as a more modern version of West Side Story with more of a dancehall musical vibe. As a child I enjoyed musicals, and I wanted to make something that could have a lot of songs of pain but also of happiness which is a pair of emotions that immigrants have often. That is what my screenplay was about. Immigrants from Europe, Mexico, Cuba all  have their own stories and we follow their path in New York. The title is The New Yorker, as these immigrants learn how to live their lives in a new place and a big city. What I made my collage was of a Movie Poster like the ones you see outside the Theraters. On the side of title you see the characters in vibrant colors. " The human eye retains an image for an image for an instant after it perceives it ". I think my Movie Poster really does catch the ye with its colors and meaning behind the title. " But your action will lead to nothing" This is something a lot of immigrants here coming to the USA. Because of something they did in their country might not count here such as a degree or a certification which is a big problem in todays society. This topic was discussed in my screenplay because it was something my mom went through. 

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