Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Week 4 Selfie


These series of photos displays the growth throughout a period of time between me and my cousin, how we grew together alongside each other. I have watch her develop into an amazing and smart little girl. It's a story of the bond we have with each other.  

“Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.” This quote reminds me of the saying, “actions speak louder than words.” A photograph is much like that saying because a simple photograph can reflect so many meanings and emotions. A photograph can trigger memories either sad or happy. Words are merely statements and do not have as much of an effect on a person's mental state like photos do. 

“Every image embodies a way of seeing. Even a photograph. For photographs are not, as is often assumed, a mechanical record.” People take photos of special moments in their lives to later reflect on those moments. Photos have ways to change our way we see the world. Historical people are not going to have the same perspective as present people do. 

“I just think that (in my practice at least) the reality of Black existence needs more space right now than the imaginary.” Black artists aspire people to be able to see their work. They do not want their work tucked away. They want the representation that their works hold to not only live in their minds but to live in others as well. 

“He makes sculptures and paintings that are so spatially and atmospherically meticulous theat they instantly bring the viewer into their senses.” When a painting or sculpture has such a powerful meaning that touches people emotionally it influences many aspects of life. A powerful piece of art can change people’s life in the way they take actions. Different types of art help people process their emotions. 

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