Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Week 4 Selfie


A 24-hour Love Letter to Performance Art

Selected Quote

"By Hour 22, that state had finally set in. The pain totally disintegrated, and I think I experienced, for the first time, true inner silence. From there, I started to dance, which took me totally by surprise because I don't even remember deciding to do so. All at once, my subconscious had full reign over my motor cortex and everything became involuntary; it just came forth. I watched the footage two weeks later and I felt like I was reading my own DNA sequence, I don't know how else to describe it."


""Oysterknife" was also heavily inspired by the Vodou rituals I witnessed on my last trip to Haiti around Fet Gede."


Both statements were words or speeches of the performance art artist. Both quotes validate what performance art means and how it is different from theatre art. It could be seen that all the performances were real, and the artist's performance was beyond its own strength and imagination. The second quote used the Vodou rituals to illustrate what performance art means. The vodou worshipper's performance is real and similar to performance art. 

Khan Academy Performance Art An Introduction

"Performance art differs from traditional theater in its rejection of a clear narrative, use of random or chance-based structures, and direct appeal to the audience."

Quote from the video, "performance is real and performer do it with his own idea, but theater is not real"


Both quotes try to explain the meaning of performance art and how it differs from theater acts. The article and video provided in this section clearly explain everything. Performance art simply means the real demonstration of an idea or art, while theater is friction, other people's ideas and can be repeated.

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