Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Week 4 selfie


Guillermo Argueta "Flick" 2022

Guillermo Argueta "Capture"

Guillermo Argueta "Balance" 2022

Ways of Seeing

(Q) the relation between what we see and what we know is never settled

(R) when looking at anything for the first time you may notice what stands out and what it means. Hope everyone looking at it again you possibly see a different view or possibly a different image. Almost like an illusion

(Q) The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe

(R) This can relate to when meeting a person for the first time. For example, one may judge based off appearance or how they act but you maybe become friends. However, others may not become friends with that person since they have other beliefs of that person.

24hr Love Letter Quotes

(Q)This is real physical pain — it always is — but this time, that pain isn’t wrapped up in metaphor, or delivered to you as a poem; it is a specimen.

(R) Physical pain being displayed by the actual physical part rather than internal pain one may feel.

(Q)Each vast room contained only a handful of works, allowing each one its own little universe

(R) This is probably the most amazing thing about art. When one art piece pertains to one universe. Thus, allowing other art pieces to stand out and have its own purpose.

Khan Academy Quotes

(Q)at its worst, performance art can seem gratuitous, boring or just plain weird. 

(Q) at its best, it taps into our most basic shared instincts:  our physical and psychological needs for food, shelter, sex, and human interaction; our individual fears and self-consciousness; our concerns about life, the future, and the world we live in

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