Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Self-Portrait Project


The Boy, the Book, and the Stove

After Work Meals

Uno for Dos

My Personal Lightman

I decided to recreate the "The Table Kitchen Series", by Carrie Mae Weems. In her series Weems showcases the importance of women in their families and how unappreciated women can be sometimes in her family. The Table Kitchen Series inspired me to choose these photos, because it reminded of the time when I used to lived with my grandmother. She used to always read to me when I was home, books like comic books, novels, and mainly the Bible. I always thought she just wanted me to read because she liked reading too, but in reality she just wanted to share a moment with me and do something together. At the time I was very young and didn't see that point of view, now I that understand it more I see that I underappreciated her presence. The next photo is me eating after work, I used this photo to represent how she used to cook for me when I used to get home from school. I would always complain that she would cook the same thing everyday and that I wanted something different. While she did everything she could to feed me, I still underappreciated her thought of feeding me. The third photo is a photo of me playing cards, my grandmother and I used to always play cards together. Playing cards was the thing we had the most common on, but as I got older I stop playing cards with her less and less. Losing the chance to have a moment with her and not appreciating the time she wanted to spent with me. The last photo of the series is a pictured of my brother helping recreated one of the Table Kitchen Series photos, the quote "The kitchen is not a place for food, but is a place where home happens", by Carrie Weems. Me sharing a moment with my brother in the kitchen means so much to me and this is what the series is about too, creating moments with your family in the kitchen together.

"The Kitchen is not a place for food, but a place where home happens"
"Men can see the women in their lives—memories from their childhood or scenes from their marriage or their family life".

“This woman can stand in for me and for you; she can stand in for the audience, she leads you into history. She’s a witness and a guide,”

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