Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Black Lives Matter Performance

I decided to focus my performance on the Black Lives Matter movement. Black Lives Matter developed into a very divisive topic in America. The globe has been and continues to be gripped by police violence. Numerous people have died as a result of police brutality. Because of the deaths of African Americans at the hands of the police, there have been riots and demonstrations across the nation. The most grandiose outcome of photography, according to Susan Sontag, is that it makes us feel as though we can hold the entire universe in our heads. In my performance, this quotation caught my attention. My audience will be able to observe through this visual art how accurately photographs and movies can capture the events that are now going place.  I aimed to convey a message to my audience through this performance that was tranquil and calm.

Susan states “the camera does indeed capture reality”. This statement describes the opening few seconds of my performance. I start off by bopping my head to the music and lifting my fist in appreciation for the first few seconds of my performance. I had never heard the song before creating this video, and I instantly fell in love with the sound. I recorded reality for the first several seconds of my performance. This mood is genuine. This is a genuine emotion. The song's lyrics had an effect on my soul. The camera was able to record a scene that has also been performed by others across the country. 

Having an impact on my audience is my primary objective for this performance. I would sincerely like to continue spreading the idea that Black Lives Matter. Every life matters. I made an effort to include praise dancing in my presentation. attempting to unite everyone and make them one. It entails placing oneself in a relationship with the world that feels like knowledge and, by extension, like power, according to Susan. I treasure these quotations greatly. My actions have influence. the capability of communicating with any audience. I always want my work to leave a lasting impression and send a message.

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