Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Frozen In Time (Performance)



My performance is called Frozen in Time. Almost everyday I am tasked with doing a large amount of homework, quizzes and exams. This semester hasn’t been easy at all. But I have started off well. It is still time consuming and stressful. I am taking 18 credits this semester so I can graduate on time in the spring of 2023. It was a tall task but it is something I am committed to. In the video, I took inspiration from Carrie Mae Weems, Kitchen Table Series. I spend most of my days on this kitchen table and it is related to the Carrie Mae Weems’ series in that way. 

    During the video it shows a moment in time where I freeze. This symbolizes the fact that it feels as if time freezes when I am doing all of this work. It's everything I do and the work I put in it feels like nothing matters but that work that I am assigned. You see me going from my notepad to my assignment sheet, and then start typing to show that all things need to get done. Some may say this level of commitment could be toxic, and that could certainly be true but right now it's all or nothing. “ What we have come to call our own “image” - the interface of the way we think we look and the way others see us.” This is a great quote because it shows you never really know what is going on behind closed doors and in someone’s head. In my video, you might notice the noise in the background that represents the clutter in my head when working my assignments. 

I chose to put a telenovela on in the background for dramatic effect. “ The selfie depicts the drama of our own daily performance of ourselves in tension with our inner emotions that may or may not be expressed as we wish”. This quote perfectly describes what I was trying to go for in my Performance display. The inner emotions that someone is going through, the things that happen behind closed doors. We need to be more aware of what we say and how it could affect other people. “ The possibility of seeing an image of oneself was limited to the wealthy and the powerful”.  This is the image/performance of me being at work basically and my inner emotions of stress which is what I was going for. As far as the wealthy and powerful, we can be wealthy and powerful mentally not physically. With better mental health and accepting help from others and being around those you love.

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