Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Self-Portrait Final Project


"Puzzled Timeline"


This right here is a timeline of the most meaningful times of my life. I started with when I was born because nothing would have happened if I wasn’t born. I was born in Egypt on September 8th,2001. The first picture was my first summer in America. Then when I went back to Egypt. Then officially came back here. The picture after is when I graduated 8th grade, then when I got my first job, it was a prom picture after, then when I graduated high school. Got my first promotion. After was the first day of my college career. I turned 21, then it was when I got a promotion at my job and an interview request letter from my future career. I incorporated all around the collage things I like for example I collect perfumes, I have a collection and it started off with the one I put on my collage Miss Dior, the paintbrush was because when I was younger all I did was scribble, and even paint in my room even if I didn’t know how too. I added a bracelet from my job when they gave me a promotion it was a joke between me and my coworkers. The flower is something I always have in my room, and the eyelash spoolie and makeup brush are because that is one of my hobbies. Of course, one of the many things I put on the collage was the puzzles, the puzzles represent my life or life in general your life is little pieces of puzzles that connect at the end, which in this case every puzzle on my board does connect to each other.  

The inspiration I had was from the artist Freida Kahlo because she always tries to incorporate her culture and what she goes through, in her life, she paints her trauma, and her accomplishments. One of the biggest inspirations I got from Freida Kahlo was she painted the bus accident that changed her whole life. The bus accident left her with a broken spinal column, a broken collarbone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, and 11 fractures in her right leg, her right foot was dislocated and crushed, and her shoulder was out of joint. Even though she went through many traumatic experiences she still wanted to continue her artwork and she even went out of her way to paint the bus. She expressed herself in those paintings and was honest. 

I created my work in a form of a timeline with dates. My timeline is meaningful to me because it can show people that even if they come from different countries or different backgrounds that it should not stop them from doing what they want, and it shouldn’t limit them to what they believe they can do. This project was important to me because it showed me a lot about my life and made me reflect on what I have accomplished and what I didn’t accomplish in a little time frame and what I can improve on. It shows me how much a person’s life can change within just a small amount of time.

 One of Frida’s quotes that stuck out to me which is “I don’t paint dreams or nightmares; I paint my own reality”. In Frida Kahlo's paintings she paints about her personal emotions and feelings, and events she went through. The pictures I chose were very important parts of me that make up my life currently. A part of me would not think that I would be an assistant store manager in a billion-dollar company or that I would get a letter for my future career. Frida Kahlo says “at the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can” this quote is one of my favorite quotes I have heard since I began this class because you don’t know what you're capable of until you see it getting done in front of you. or you see your accomplishments when you look back at them. Throughout the semester I believe I was able to improve even if it was to get out of my comfort zone just enough to consistently must recreate or think of a selfie inspired by an artist. I feel like this certain project means something else to me because it was personal to see the different milestones I took in my life. “I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to better” Frida Kahlo. Just like she mentions about herself you are your own person to work on and improve you don’t have what you're able to accomplish then yourself, you are the only person that can push yourself to the limit. This timeline of my life has me excited to see what I will be able to add to it, and when.

Frida Kahlo Was a Painter, a Brand Builder, and a Survivor. And So Much More | NY Times

Biography of Frida Kahlo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROAH9LQecycCut and Paste | Collage before Cubism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKzA5sZBNJw

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