Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Friday Night Vibes

I decided to focus my performance on great vibes and the latest trends. Often, people try to spread negative vibes on social media and downplay people. There is always a negative trend that takes off and it is hard to escape. Just because people see its viral, they would attempt to do it or partake in that activity. On the other hand, there are positive trends and great vibes that are happening in certain areas, but people do not usually ride those ones out. Based on Susan Sontag, we can place the whole universe in our heads and change the narrative. Her saying has inspired me to make a dancing video with my friends. Everyone watching will sense a great vibe, a joyful moment, and see me busting the moves. “The camera does indeed capture reality.” Me and my friends decided to link up one day and as we were chilling, we watched some TikTok videos and decided that we should make a dancing video since we see it going viral. The style of dance is considered a jersey club; we have all been doing it for years and enjoy it. “The camera does indeed capture reality.” That shows what is going on in real time and how we operate in life. An enjoyable time and something we all live for. I would like my video to put people in a good mood. I want the audience to see that the good can always outweigh the bad in life. Also, that there are a lot of great people that walk the same earth as us. Just network and get cool with a group of people and have an enjoyable time. So many things you can do such as dancing, singing, working out together and much more. Let your latest trend be a good trend.

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