Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Final Project

"Don't Run With The Rest"
My final art piece is tittled "dont run with the rest", my title is a refrence to the way my painting is dividing a individual from the rest. The television projected in the piece is the main source of the flames that are reaching the group of people. The tv is how society is controlled, it started with the tv but has evolved to your phone, tablet, or anything with a screen. As a society we swallow what ever the media gives us wether that be the realistic horrors happening around the world or the instagram likes that eat at your ego. whatever it is the mass media is what is taken over our attention span, we are too busy with agreeing or disagreeing with the masses that we all forget how to think for ourselves. That is why in my art the flames are over taking all of the faces that are in there. The skeleteon flying away in the piece is a representation of someone who was becoming a corpse to societal thinking but was able to fly away by thinking for himself. The phrase "Dont run with the rest" is scattered around the bottom of the skeletons legs which is the skeleton shaking off even that phrase that people like to label others similar to "folllower", this supports the thought of thinking for yourself so much that no one else can even tell you to be you. I did both painting and collaging, used black cut outs from the magazine to make the cement in the piece and also used face cutouts to use as the people being taken by mass societal thinking. I painted the rest of the subjects on the canvas such as the flames, the sky and wings. Aside from the art itself the meaning of not runing with the rest is one that resigns with me. There are certain points in life where you either find yourself following everyone else or find yourself doing your ownthing. I want people to always know that what they decide to do is self provoked. Following the next person might not even benefit you or it might, my point is not to divide what you should do or whatyou shouldnt do my point is to just have people think for themselves that is also why the project can be interrpreted many different ways. An artist that inspired my art piece is Mear One whos i a street artist known for his bold and political art paintings. His art pieces inspired me alot because of the colors that Mear chooses in his artwork,all the colors are very bold and meaningful. You can see that inspiration in the way i painted the flames, the blue sky, and the pitch black cement. His work represents inner thoughts about the politics going on in America and the oppression on poverty based citizens.My art has a political stand in which it chooses to represent independent thinking for everyone. Alot of his artwork creates the subject in a fantasy type of way to indulge the audience and also most likely poke fun at the subject itself, i had my main subject in the project have a skeleton face, his appearance reflects how you feel after getting sucked up by the rest of the worlds problems.I was inspired by mear one for his rebellous thinking and creative art pieces and his art is very similar to the type of art "Art should reflect one’s intellect and facilitate a path of communication that conveys truth and transcendence." "Not all graffiti is done with political intent but the simple act is a political one in the sense of breaking restricting rules and expressing ones self." "Art is the ultimate way to combat the machine because it reflects imagination, something the talentless authorities cannot control. So Art is the weapon of choice because it can speak and pierce straight to your person and you don’t need to read a book to get it."

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