Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Final project


Reference/ work inspiration Mickalene Thomas 

Final Project 

Euphoric Simplicity’s 

For my final project I chose to do a self collage. I used a canvas, Acrylic paint, glitter, images, and small little trinkets, as well as other craft materials. Throughout the process of my project I wanted to incorporate things I enjoyed, people I admired, and loved ones. The artist who inspired me the most would have to be Mickalene Thomas and her collages, paintings, and photos. Mickalene Thomas and her vibrant color palette and different mediums influenced the color palette and the process of my collage.  Many of the colors that were incorporated into my project correlated with the artist’s using bright purples, oranges, and blues along with patterns and cloth.

Like the artist I wanted to incorporate  my family, my loved ones, and people who have taught me valuable things throughout my journey of life. I believe through my project viewers Can see many perspectives of me. The title of my project is “Euphoric simplicity’s”.I chose this title because like the word Euphoric I wanted to convey The things and people that truly make me happy and also contribute to my identity. While learning more about the artist Mickalene Thomas I found many of her works to be inspirational Creative and centric. Many of her works touch on sexuality, women’s bodies, gender, and identity. The artist Discusses her own culture while  binding her creativity through her collage work and photography. There were many pieces I took reference and inspiration from. Her Collages Titled “Jet Blue #1”, “Tète De Femme #8”, and “Le Dejeuner Sur L’herbe Les Trios Femme Nior”  Gave me the inspiration for the color material and overall layout of my collage.

In the center of my canvas there is a cut out image of myself. Around the canvas there are some flowers. These flowers represent my love for nature as well as my favorite flower.The right side of the canvas Is mostly made up of glitter and acrylic paint. Around the border of the cut outs insert image there are little objects like paint brushes and pencils representing my joy for art. Going along the border there were little mini Coca-Cola bottles Representing my favorite drink. On the lower left side I painted my zodiac sign. Like Mickalene Thomas and her love and admiration for her family who inspire most of her work, I wanted to incorporate that same idea in my peace. The left side of the canvas mostly conveys photos as well as different background material like cloths, fabric and beads,and patterns. I Throughout the semester as we learned about different artist and art methods, Artist like Wangechi Mutu, Mickalene Thomas, Frieda Kharlo conveyed women ,there beauty, struggle, and Overall perspective of how these women saw themselves. I think my final project grasps and connects to the similar concept of the artist Mickalene Thomas while incorporating my own personal identity, things and people i enjoy in my life in my work.


The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu

 These layered references and remixed body politics contribute to an interrogation of otherness, race, alienation, and female representation.”

These women are not metaphors, they are not waiting to be represented, rescued or destroyed. They are gloriously, catastrophically themselves, and we meet them on their own terms — as we so frequently meet each other — in stagy, embarrassing, endearing selfies launched into the world” Cindy Sherman 

“People have an insatiable curiosity with her, and this presentation is a rare opportunity to see how she built her identity” (Morris).

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