Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Digital Collage


I decided to create for my digital collage selfie me as an arctic fox, I got this idea of a fox because my horoscope is a Virgo and one of the spirit animals for Virgos is a fox. Virgo's symbol is a virgin maiden, numerous animals, such as the fox, are linked with this sign. Like a fox, they are observant and alert, spotting even the tiniest of movements in the room. Like virgin maidens, they are self-sufficient and poised. I specifically chose the arctic one because it is a beautiful animal. Many people don’t talk about it as much as a regular fox. I chose to use my eyes instead of the fox and instead of the paws of the fox I used my hands. In Wangechi Mutu Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum, she encourages audiences to consider these “mythical worlds as places for cultural, psychological, and socio-political exploration and transformation.” She wants people to live out the norm of everyday life and experience different things. Every person views themselves differently and how they view things everyone has a different perspective on it. The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu says how she likes to look at things “I’m interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious” she likes bold images something that is going to stand out to her. 

John Berger:


“Oil paintings did to appearance what capital did to social relations. It reduced everything to the equality of objects.” 


“a painting could speak to the soul - by way of what it referred to but never by the way it envisaged.”




“Seeing the world is not about how we see but about what we make of what we see”


“The body and mind as integrated systems and people as communal, social beings connected by empathy” 


The Feminist Challenge of Wangechi Mutu | Short description of one of her collage diptychs at the MoMA:


“The idea of clearcut binaries—African/European, archaic/modern, religion/pornography—I’ve never really believed in that. I’m interested in powerful images that strike chords embedded deep in the reservoirs of our unconscious.”


Wangechi Mutu Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum:


“Mutu encourages audiences to consider these mythical worlds as places for cultural, psychological, and socio-political exploration and transformation.” 


Wangechi Mutu at Met:


“Words that we haven't heard, people we haven't noticed. They will be our redemption.” 


“a stunning message from beyond. It is testament to her belief that like street theater or religious rituals, art can nudge viewers towards congregation.”


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