Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Photo Series: Z's Table Desk Series (2022)

Reading Time 

All Smiles


I choose to reproduce the "Table Series" by Carrie Mae Weems. The reason this project caught my attention the most was how inventively she used a table as an objective. She wanted to demonstrate to viewers that you can be creative in any environment, including your own house. The fact that she managed to develop a series at her kitchen table amazes me. Carrie uses the materials in her own environment to produce such a stunning series. I adored how she included herself in these pictures rather than just focusing on other people. I really adore the way she included her lover in the photograph. With this series, she portrays her basic lifestyle while producing something exquisite. The series is so pure, blissful, and beautiful. I think everyone who watches this series will concur that they can identify with it. She shows throughout the series how having a comfortable workspace is a great asset when making photographs. You produce your finest work when you are most at ease, and that is undoubtedly what she accomplished in this instance. She created a photo-worthy scene on her kitchen table without the use of flashing lights or any outstanding props. She demonstrates how the space is not just for eating, it's for experiencing life and making memories. People can experience every emotion and life event in this cramped space, either alone or with others.  

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