Monday, October 10, 2022

Week 3


                                                                          "My Home"

Quote 1: “A woman must continually watch herself. She is almost continually accompanied by her own image of herself.”

  • Society’s ideology for women is all based on how they speak, act, look, and dress. The “ideal” woman must always dress and act feminine. Women must always watch themselves because if they say crude words, dress like a tomboy, or are not beautiful enough they are classified as less of a woman. 

Quote 2: “Consequently how a woman appears to a man can determine how she will be treated.”

  • From a very young age, girls are taught that their looks matter, they grow up with the mentality that they are judged by society’s beauty standards. Objectifying women is treating them less as human beings and more as sexual objects based on their attractiveness. Men who do not find women alluring or even good-looking are often viewed as less deserving of decency and politeness. 

Quote 1: “There is power in looking”

  • Black female spectators have the right to look, observe, and gaze. Their power to look gave them a voice. There was an act of rebellion called the oppositional gaze of no fear to look or judgment. The oppositional gaze is a response to how black women are portrayed in films. The gaze of black women allowes them to look and think anything they want. 

Quote 2: “Despite feminist critical interventions aimed at deconstructing the category “woman” which highlight the significance of race, many feminist film critics continue to structure their disclosures as though it speaks about “women” when in actuality it speaks only about white women.” 

  • Even though there are films that represented  women’s rights, the films only displayed white women. The point in illustrating diversity is to show representation no matter their background or color.  

Quote 1: “By selecting women of color, I am quite literally raising their visibility and inserting their presence into the conversation.”

  • For centuries women of color were always undervalued and overlooked for everything. Society’s treatment depends on race and gender. Women of color are constantly neglected especially when it comes to jobs that have been dominated by men for decades. By selecting women of color, these women are learning to use their voices. 

Quote 2: “By portraying real women with their own unique history, beauty and background, I’m working to diversify the representations of black women in art.”

  • Protraying women of all backgrounds and colors show people that there is beauty everywhere. Black women are not always represented as beautiful and elegant. This is why diversity and representation are so important for women of color. 

Quote 1:When my brother responded with rage at being denied a toy, he taught as a boy in a patriarchal household that his ability to express to unleash his hostility. 

  • At a young age, boys get the perception of their male dominance. They are allowed to feel and act out their rage without any consequence because of the role they are supposed to play regarding their masculinity. Women are supposed to obey their brother, father, and husband because of the simple fact that society has deemed them as the weaker gender. Social order not only determines the appropriate gender roles but restricts girls from achieving greatness in a world dominated by men. 

Quote 2: It is no accident that feminists began to use the word “patriarchy” to replace the more commonly used “male chauvanism” and “sexism.” 

  • When the same term is used for decades it loses its meaning and affects. Patriarchy illustrates the power men hold towards women. Voicing “patriarchy” gives more of an awareness and actions a change for women. 

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