Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Performance Art 1


My performance art piece tells a story inspired by Yoko Ono. Yoko Ono's first performance art called Ono’s Cut Piece addresses sexual violence in public display and the protests against the war. She used art as an outlet to express her feelings and ideas by using her personal experiences. Ono’s Cut Piece is a demonstration where a woman sits alone, dressed in a suit with a pair of scissors. The audience would come on stage and cut a piece of clothing from the performer and take it with them. The performer allows the people to cut whatever they want—a form of totally giving not being forced to provide. Here Yoko Ono demonstrates the importance of consent and giving freely. The artist’s body is hers and hers alone, she does not belong to anyone but herself. 

My performance art is called Camera’s View, a performance involving my sister and myself. I have always liked collecting pictures of me and my family, and creating a collage. I have a section of a wall full of pictures that were taken years ago and recently. It confounds me comfort to look at these images and know their intentional story. I have about thirteen pictures neatly plastered on the wall above my nightstand. For my performance art, I recreated the scenes and moments captured by a camera. A camera can only show a glimpse of a moment, not the meaning behind the moment. Being able to show the moments captured through my performance art. A picture becomes a memory with the story behind the photograph. My sister and I like to take pictures of ourselves, each other, and other people. We have fun in these moments when we are just laughing and relaxed. We never stop taking pictures because we want to capture moments that we look back on and reflect on them. 

Art history is art created from ancient times to the present day. The art was studied and analyzed to find the meanings behind the paintings, sculptures, and architecture. Art history helps us learn about human history, culture, and experience. The present world must learn about the culture of past decades and centuries because it reflects on the changing culture and how times have changed, especially society’s values. Art shows the meaning of life and how it affects people’s lives. The world’s culture and societies are preserved through art.

Quote 1:“Every image embodies a way of seeing. Even a photograph. For photographs are not, as is often assumed, a mechanical record.” People take photos of special moments in their lives to later reflect on those moments. Photos have ways to change our way we see the world. Historical people are not going to have the same perspective as present people do.

Quote 2: “By portraying real women with their own unique history, beauty and background, I’m working to diversify the representations of black women in art. Protraying women of all backgrounds and colors show people that there is beauty everywhere. Black women are not always represented as beautiful and elegant. This is why diversity and representation are so important for women of color.

Quote 3: “The global audience, all watching the same events, using the same broadcast television pictures and coming to a collective viewpoint on them, seemed to mark a new direction in world history.” Nowadays we all see photos, video’s of events, live tv through the same platform called social media. Even though we all see the same things we have different viewpoints on them and come up with different conclusions. Art is constantly changing. Art now would seem as controversial  decades ago. As new photos, paintings, and art come out to the world, people's minds change as the world progresses.

1. Go home, go sit on your bed, and walk all the way to your front door with your eyes closed.

2. Go to a store and ask a worker where are 10 items(of your choosing) and ask to show you. Put the 10 items in a cart and then tell that same worker that you changed you mind about buying anything. .

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