Wednesday, September 28, 2022


"let yourself be free''

Quote ''The female artists' gaze is shaped by their life experiences, which are different for women and men. "
  Response-  This refers to how different a man and a woman are. A woman will see different life since from a very young we are tough how to be caring and soft. while the man must always be strong and masculine to be accepted in society. A woman's presence reveals her attitude; her appearance, speech, and attire reflect who she is as a person. A woman's actions reflect who she is.

The photographed callaged and painted muses of  Mickalene  Thomas
" By portraying real women with their own unique history, beauty and background, I'm working to diversify the representation of black women in art."

Every woman is powerful in their own way, every woman has their own background and that was make them special and unique. The way Thomas views women is that they can also be dominant, strong, and independent. 

Ways of seeing John Berger 

"A naked body has to be seen as an object in order to become nude" 

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