Sunday, September 25, 2022


Cindy Sherman Effect by Phoebe Hoban


“No wonder the work of so many artists parallels Sherman’s, or at least mines similar conceptual veins: role-playing and the nature of identity; sexual and cultural stereotypes; the pressure to conform to the images of perfection promulgated through television, film, and advertising.”

“inventing and portraying extraordinary alter egos and multiple identities that brilliantly reflect our image-saturated culture—and in the process inventing her own genre.”

Although in someways it’s seems that Cindy Sherman solely creates these characters off what she sees in society and from her own fantasy,curiousity, and imagination rather than having a personal connection in some way to these characters  I find her work to be original and somewhat interesting. By creating these characters with different identities, alter egos personalities and different features Cindy Sherman created a whole new method and genera of art that focuses on others identity and how  culture and environment has a way of morphing these identities and Stereotypes you might see in some of her work. All in all the article discusses the impact Cindy Sherman has had on photography as well as art over the past years.


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